The bear in the newsletter

We’re Going On A Bear Hunt

Author: Michael Rosen

This wonderful story is about a family that goes on a nature hike to find a bear. I love this story for a young reader because they are able to join in on the repetitive lines. This story is good to read to children in preschool or younger.

More from the newletter

The Baker’s Dozen

Author: Dan Andreasen

This story teaches your little reader numbers 1-13 with the baker. The book has pictures of the objects, the number written out and shown as numerically. It will teach your child numbers in different ways.

Mother Goose

Mother Goose and Friends
Author: Ruth Sanderson
This book contains a collection of Mother Goose nursery rhymes that so many of us remember from our childhood. There Was An Old Woman, This Little Pig, Three Little Kittens, Old King Cole, Peter Piper, Here We Go Round, Ring Around The Rosies, Little Bo-Peep, and Jack And Jill are a few of the nursery rhymes. This is great for young beginning readers.

Quotes about reading

The more that you read,the more things you will know.The more that you learn,the more places you'll go.~ Dr. Seuss ~

There is no substitute for books in the life of a child. (1952)~ Mary Ellen Chase ~

“Good children's literature appeals not only tothe child in the adult, but to the adult in the child.”
~ Anonymous ~

"So please, oh PLEASE, we beg, we pray, Go throw your TV set away, And in its place you can install, A lovely bookshelf on the wall."
— Roald Dahl, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

"Children are made readers on the laps of their parents."
— Emilie Buchwald

"Reading aloud with children is known to be the single most important activity for building the knowledge and skills they will eventually require for learning to read."
— Marilyn Jager Adams

"There are many little ways to enlarge your child's world. Love of books is the best of all."
— Jacqueline Kennedy

More from my newsletter

Books for your little reader

Commotion In The Ocean Author: Giles Andreae
This book is a personal favorite of mine. It teaches your child an assortment of creatures that live in the ocean. Some of the creatures are sharks, octopus, crabs, polar bears, dolphins, penguins, stingrays, and whales.

Frog and Toad Are Friends Author: Arnold Lobel
There are five stories included in this book. I remember reading the stories about
these friends when I was younger and I still love them today. Some of the stories
included are: The Lost Button, Frog Gets Sick, and The Letter. This is a good story for readers
aged 4-8.

Chicka Chicka Boom Boom Author: Bill Martin and Lois Ehlert
This book is another of my personal favorites. It will teach your child the alphabet in this rhyming alphabet story. The letters race to reach the top of the coconut tree. This is a great story for readers aged 2-6.

Smelly Socks Author: Robert Munsch
This is a hilarious story about a girl that does not want to wash her socks will have your children eager to hear it repeatedly. Perfect for readers aged 4-8 years old.

Websites for parents
· Reading Rockets -
This site has strategies to help kids that struggle, techniques for teaching reading, book and author suggestions, tips for parents, and a list of articles from a to z.
· Rif Reading Planet - This site has an assortment of sections to choose from – a game station, activity lab, a book zone , and a express yourself section
· Reading is fundamental - - This site has a section for parents that contains tips and activity ideas to help you motivate your kids to read.

· Colorin Colorado - - Part of reading rockets that is a bilingual site for families and educators of English language learners
· U.S.Department of Education – This site has a Help My Child Read resource center. Some of the resources are helping your child become a reader, reading tips for parents, put reading first, reading programs, and a guide to promoting your child's reading success.

Parts of my newsletter

Reading Is Important

I have put out this newsletter this month to bring special attention to reading. This newsletter will give you tips on reading with your young reader. I have also included ten books that I believe your child will love and will want to read repeatedly. I have also compiled a list of websites that will be beneficial to you and your child.
Reading is an essential part of a child’s life. It helps them with their social skills, opens up new worlds and enriches their lives, books help children develop vital language skills, and it is important that you make time everyday to read with your child.
I hope that this newsletter helps and that I have given you some new ideas on reading with your child.

Tips on Reading

Talk about the new words that you encounter

Let your child have access to as many resources as possible

Read to and with your child each and everyday

Read their favorite books repeatedly

Ask open ended questions not just yes/no questions

· Make trips to the library
· Limiting the amount of time your family watches television
· While reading the story stop and ask questions or explain something to your reader
· Make a personal connection to the story
· Discuss what you have just read
· Let your child pick their own books to read
· Make the story appealing by changing your tone and voice

The last two stories - Bill Peet

Jethro and Joel is a story about a troll with one body but separate heads. Joel bored by living on the mountain and wants to be destructive. Jethro does not want to be but gives him one day. They go down to town and then to the castle where Joel throws a big rock through it. The knights come out to fight but Jethro does not want to fight and surrenders. They make a deal to rebuild the castle and then build castles for even the poorest of families for a sack of turnips as payment. I picked this story because when I was at the library it was the first book that I picked up that did not have an animal or a person on the cover but some other type of creature.

Dudley the rooster had a beautiful crow that the sun loved to hear. The only one that did not love his crow or him was Gunther a nasty goose. One day Gunther chased Dudley into the woods where he had to hide all night. The sun decided that he would not riser unless Dudley crowed. By the next morning the sun had not come out and they horse named Hector went to find him after finding out what had happened. He found Dudley and brought him back to the barn where he crowed and brought the sun up. Everyone was happy but Gunther who left the farm. I picked out this book because I liked the cover of the book. The farm is the main setting for this story.