The Ant and the Elephant

The story begins when an ant is picked up by a gust of wind and dropped on a snag in the river. He sees a turtle and asks for a ride to shore. The turtle refuses and as he is walking away trips and is stuck on his back. The turtle asks for help from the Mrs. Bigbill who refuses and then has a problem herself. The giraffe does not help the bird and then becomes snagged in veins. The lion and rhino both refuse to help others and then find themselves in situations they cannot get out of by themselves. An elephant then comes along and helps the ant. The ant is very grateful. The elephant then goes on to help all the other animals none of which thank the elephant for his help. The elephant is very proud of the work that he has done and is happy that he is so big and will never have problems. Just as he says that he falls off a big cliff and gets wedged in a tight spot that he cannot get out of alone. Ninety-five thousand ants come to his rescue including the one he helped earlier. No matter what you do to help it could be big it could be small it is a big deal to the person that you help. I chose The Ant and the Elephant because it was a story that I read when I was younger. The elephant from this book was the only wild elephant and he had tusks the other three books that had elephant not one of those elephants had tusks. The friendship theme pops up in his books quite often.

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