A turtledove named Myrtle finds a big pinkish, purplish, and bluish egg one day. She takes it home and waits for it to hatch. A griffin (half lion/half eagle) named Zeke hatches out of the egg and scares all the other birds but the turtledove away. One night wolves and foxes came to feast on Zeke. He wants to fight but the turtledove tries to convince him that fighting is not the way. One day when he is walking he finds a remote places and comes up with an idea. He scopes down and picks up the wolves and foxes and drops then off at the remote location and tells them if they come back again he will take them on an even longer trip. The turtledove is happy and all the other birds see that he is not a mean creature. I picked this book because I wanted to see what was going to come out of the egg. The acceptance of others is something that Peet likes to write about in his stories.

Pamela is an unhappy camel that runs away from the circus. She is sick and tired of being called dumb and mean. After walking for a while, she notices that the train’s tracks have been pulled up and knows that the train will crash if a train rolls over that part of the tracks. She hears a train coming and stands on the tracks in hopes that the train will stop. The train does stop and they realize that the train tracks are destroyed. Pamela goes back to the circus a star and lead the grand procession ever night. She will never be called stupid, dumb, or a bad-tempered beast again. I picked out this story because there was another story with the circus theme and I wanted to compare them. The circus and farm setting reappear in this book .
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